Farms and Ranches
43 listings found
The following pages display LandQuest®'s current listings of Farm and Ranch properties for sale. These properties are located throughout British Columbia. Click on an individual property for more detailed information. These listings are presented in ascending order by price.
Sprawling 800-acre ranch situated near the banks of Green Lake. This extremely rare ranching opportunity successfully runs an average of 300 head of Bison. In existence for over 30 years, this operation is a masterfully crafted ranch, equipped with a well-established customer base.
800 acres ~ 6 titles
163-acre farm with great views only 15 minutes to Sorrento or Chase and 8 minutes off Highway 1. 4,290 ft2 house. 76 x 60 ft shop/barn with a 20 x 16 ft high door, 150 amp power, and water. 40 acres hay and pasture for your horses or cattle. Great warm climate. Backs on Crown land.
163 acres
Displaying listings 41 - 43 of 43 in total